Keberhasilan Proses Belajar Mengajar (PBM) tergantung pada banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah metode mengajar yang dilakukan oleh pendidik (guru). Guru yang mengajar dengan metode yang tepat akan membuat siswa senang, tekun, antusias, dan mudah memahami materi pelajaran sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai secara optimal. Maka rumusan masalahnya yaitu mengenai bagaimana perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPA materi Sumber Daya Alam dan Teknologi melalui strategi pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Team Pair Solo.
Tujuan peneliti melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran perencanaan, pelaksanaan, kelebihan dan kelemahan penerapan strategi pembelajaran kooperatif Tipe Team Pair Solo. Penelitian ini terdiri 3 siklus yang masing-masing siklus terdiri perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi yang menjadi acuan siklus berikutnya. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi, lembar soal dan angket. Dari temuan dan pengolahan data dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa untuk meliat gambaran perencanaan strategi pembelajaran Kooperatif tipe Team Pair Solo ini dapat dilihat melalui RPP (Rencana pelaksanaan Pembelajaran). Pelaksanaan strategi pembelajaran ini dapat dilihat dari aktifitas guru, respon siswa dan hasil tes dari lembar observasi aktifitas guru, dapat terlihat keterlaksanaan tahap strategi pembelajaran tersebut. Respon siswa ketika pelaksanaan strategi pembelajaran tersebut mendapatkan respon yang positif, pernyataan ini didukung oleh peningkatan hasil tes siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II sampe siklus III. Dapat dilihat dari peningkatan rata-rata dari siklus I ke siklus II dan siklus 3 sebesar 10.55 dan peningkatan KKM siswa dari siklus ke siklus dari siklus II k siklus III sebesar 22.49%. strategi pembelajaran kooperatif memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan. kelebihan strategi pembelajaran ini adalah dapat mengetahui RPP yang berbeda . Respon siswa yang positif didukung dengan peningkatan hasil tes siswa dan melatih siswa untuk kooperatif. Adapun kelemahan dari strategi ini adalah pembuatan RPP, LKS dan evaluasi membutuhkan waktu yang cukup bnyak dan pemikiran ekstra, dengan banyaknya siswa guru kurang maksimal dalam membimbing kelompok belajar.
Success of the Teaching and Learning (PBM) depends on many factors, one of which is a method of teaching is done by the educator (teacher). Teachers who teach the proper method will make the students happy, determined, enthusiastic, and easy to understand the subject matter so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally. Then the formulation of the problem is about how the planning, implementation and improvement of student learning outcomes in the subject matter of Natural Resources Science and Technology through Cooperative learning strategies Team Pair Solo type.The purpose of researchers conducted a study of this class action is to know the description of the planning, implementation, strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of cooperative learning strategies Study Team Pair Solo. This study comprised three cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection is the reference the next cycle. Instruments used in this study is the observation sheet, booklet and questionnaire. Of the findings and data processing can be concluded that for the clayey Cooperative description of type of learning strategy planning Team Pair Solo can be seen through the RPP (Plan for the implementation of Learning). Implementation of this learning strategy can be seen from the activities of teachers, student response and test result teachers, can be seen the implementation stage of the learning strategy. Student responses when implementing learning strategies that get a positive response, this statement is supported by an increase in student test results from cycle I to cycle II until the cycle III. Can be seen from the increase in the average of the cycle I to cycle II and cycle 3 at 10,55 and KKM students increased from cycle to cycle from cycle II k III cycle of 22,49%. cooperative learning strategies have advantages and disadvantages. advantages of this learning strategy is to find a different RPP. Positive student response with an increase in student test results and train students to cooperate. The drawback of this strategy is the creation of lesson plans, worksheets and evaluation requires.LKS and evaluation requires considerable time and extra thought, with less than the maximum number of student teachers in guiding the study group.
Success of the Teaching and Learning (PBM) depends on many factors, one of which is a method of teaching is done by the educator (teacher). Teachers who teach the proper method will make the students happy, determined, enthusiastic, and easy to understand the subject matter so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally. Then the formulation of the problem is about how the planning, implementation and improvement of student learning outcomes in the subject matter of Natural Resources Science and Technology through Cooperative learning strategies Team Pair Solo type.The purpose of researchers conducted a study of this class action is to know the description of the planning, implementation, strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of cooperative learning strategies Study Team Pair Solo. This study comprised three cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection is the reference the next cycle. Instruments used in this study is the observation sheet, booklet and questionnaire. Of the findings and data processing can be concluded that for the clayey Cooperative description of type of learning strategy planning Team Pair Solo can be seen through the RPP (Plan for the implementation of Learning). Implementation of this learning strategy can be seen from the activities of teachers, student response and test result teachers, can be seen the implementation stage of the learning strategy. Student responses when implementing learning strategies that get a positive response, this statement is supported by an increase in student test results from cycle I to cycle II until the cycle III. Can be seen from the increase in the average of the cycle I to cycle II and cycle 3 at 10,55 and KKM students increased from cycle to cycle from cycle II k III cycle of 22,49%. cooperative learning strategies have advantages and disadvantages. advantages of this learning strategy is to find a different RPP. Positive student response with an increase in student test results and train students to cooperate. The drawback of this strategy is the creation of lesson plans, worksheets and evaluation requires.LKS and evaluation requires considerable time and extra thought, with less than the maximum number of student teachers in guiding the study group.
team pair solo ini strategi yang diciptakan siapa ya ?
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