Penampilan fisik merupakan satu hal yang tidak luput dari pandangan dan permasalahan wanita. Semakin besarnya minat masyarakat terhadap body center, klinik-klinik kecantikan yang menawarkan berbagai macam perawatan seperti body language, pelangsingan, produk obat-obatan pemutih dan penghilang kerutan yang banyak ditemukan dipasaran, menunjukkan bahwa banyak masyarakat yang mulai memperhatikan penampilannya untuk mengurangi kecemasan menghadapi perubahan pada fisiknya seiring dengan proses menjadi tua.
Perubahan fisik tersebut akan mempunyai pengaruh dan tanggapan yang berbeda-beda dari setiap individu yang mengalaminya tergantung bagaimana individu mempersepsikan penampilan fisiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi diri tentang penempilan fisik dengan kecemasan menjadi tua pada wanita dewasa madya Tipe penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitaf eksplanatif, yaitu untuk menjelaskan hubungan antar variabel-variabel penelitian dan mengadakan pengujian hipotesis yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada wanita usia dewasa madya yang mengikuti senam di sanggar senam Liessota Madiun. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan sampel sebanyak 46 orang, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling kemudian untuk metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dua skala. Untuk metode analisa data dan pengolahan hasil digunakan metode analisis product moment dari Karl Pearson. Dari hasil pengolahan data dengan analisis korelasi product moment dengan bantuan SPSS versi 10,00 maka dapat diketahui koefisien korelasi ( r ) = -0,904, koefisien determinant ( r? ) = 0, 818, dan peluang ralat ( p ) < 0,01 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang negatif yang sangat signifikan antara persepsi diri tentang penampilan fisik dengan kecemasan menjadi tua pada wanita dewasa madya yang artinya semakin negatif persepsi diri tentang penampilan fisik maka semakin tinggi kecemasan menjadi tua. Dengan demikian hipotesa yang diajukan diterima dengan sumbangan efektif yang cukup besar (81,8%).
English Version
Appearance of physical represent one matter which do not miss from view and woman problems. Its ever greater is enthusiasm socialize to body center, clinic of beauty offering assorted of treatment like body language, slenderizing, product of whitener medicine and cleaner of poleness which is a lot of found by a marketing, indicating that a lot of society which start to keep up appearance its to lessen dread face change of its physical along with process become old. Change of the physical will have influence and response which different each other from each individual experiencing of it depended by how individual of perception appearance of its physical. This research aim to to know relation perception it self to show of physical with dread become old at adult woman of middle old type of this research is research of explanative quantitative, that is to explain relation usher variable of research and perform examination of hypothesis which have been formulated previously. Research conducted woman of adult age of middle old following gymnastic in gallery practice gymnastic Liessota Madiun. In this research is used by sample as much 46 people, with technique of intake of sample use total of sampling for method of data collecting use two scale. For the method analyse data and processing of result of used by a method analyse product moment from Karl Pearson. From result of data processing with correlation product moment analysis constructively SPSS version 10,00 knowable hence correlation coefficient ( r = -0,904, coefficient determinant r = 0, 818) and the opportunity rectify (p < 0,01) inferential hence that there is very negative relation of signifikan between physical appearance it self perception with dread become old at adult woman of middle old which its meaning progressively the physical appearance it self perception negativity will hence the dread excelsior become old. Thereby the hypothesizing raised
English Version
Appearance of physical represent one matter which do not miss from view and woman problems. Its ever greater is enthusiasm socialize to body center, clinic of beauty offering assorted of treatment like body language, slenderizing, product of whitener medicine and cleaner of poleness which is a lot of found by a marketing, indicating that a lot of society which start to keep up appearance its to lessen dread face change of its physical along with process become old. Change of the physical will have influence and response which different each other from each individual experiencing of it depended by how individual of perception appearance of its physical. This research aim to to know relation perception it self to show of physical with dread become old at adult woman of middle old type of this research is research of explanative quantitative, that is to explain relation usher variable of research and perform examination of hypothesis which have been formulated previously. Research conducted woman of adult age of middle old following gymnastic in gallery practice gymnastic Liessota Madiun. In this research is used by sample as much 46 people, with technique of intake of sample use total of sampling for method of data collecting use two scale. For the method analyse data and processing of result of used by a method analyse product moment from Karl Pearson. From result of data processing with correlation product moment analysis constructively SPSS version 10,00 knowable hence correlation coefficient ( r = -0,904, coefficient determinant r = 0, 818) and the opportunity rectify (p < 0,01) inferential hence that there is very negative relation of signifikan between physical appearance it self perception with dread become old at adult woman of middle old which its meaning progressively the physical appearance it self perception negativity will hence the dread excelsior become old. Thereby the hypothesizing raised
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